So after 3 1/2 years, I’ve returned to California for a holiday, and its great to be back. 🙂 I’d forgotten just how stunning the geography and climate are here.
Today was spent waking up in San Jose, then visiting Monteray and the adjacent spectacular 17 Mile Drive. During this trip the temperature varied between 60 and 90 degrees (15 and 32 degrees for the rest of us!), and that was all during the day without climbing to any kind of altitude.
California is so different to the east coast, where I’ve been living for the last 3 months, that it might as well be a different country. The buildings are different, the attitude is different, even the road signs are different (well actually, there aren’t any. Not any of any use that is. Not that I missed the on-ramp to the 101 or anything, nonono…)
Photos to come (eventually!)