I'll be at the alt.net conference in October

I’m not doing much coding at the moment, and none of it in .NET, but that’s not stopping me going to the alt.net conference in Austin, TX, for the first weekend in October.

What is alt.net? It’s tricky to say. Fellow XTC-NYC’er Dave Laribee coined the term in April and talking to him at d.b.a. last week I’m not sure whether he thinks it’s much to do with .NET development at all, it’s more about a group of people approaching software development with a common context (that’s the .NET part) trying to move their craft forward. Whether that progress is using .NET, Ruby, Java or a million monkeys with abacusses (abaci?) isn’t really important.

As such, I’m looking forward to the conference. Apart from anything else it will be a good chance to visit the People’s Republic and find me some good bbq’ed ribs.