I’m not really a ‘testing guy’, but I am an ‘agile guy’ so I do write and use automated tests during development. I find that there’s a lot of confusion about what a ‘unit test’ is, what an ‘acceptance test’ is, and that kind of thing. Most of the time people have their own feelings about what these different classifications of test are and when talking to others assume that they have the same idea. This is frequently not the case.
So just in case you ever talk to me about tests, and we forget to come to a common shared language about them, here’s what I might mean by the various types of tests. Note that these are mostly ‘development test’ defintions, not ‘QA test’ definitions. I’m not saying they’re right, they’re just what I think they mean. (Bret and Brian – please forgive me. 🙂 )
A unit test tests the smallest component in a system. In an object oriented system, this is a class. It might also be an individual stored procedure, javascript method, whatever. A unit test should not assert (or rely on) any behaviour in the system other than that of the component it is testing.
At completely the other end of the scale, an acceptance test is a behaviour that ‘the customer’ has defined the application should have with the environment around it. This may be a relationship between different parts of the application’s domain, an expected output for a set of input in the UI, performance criteria, or interactions using a shared technological resource (such as a shared database or messaging infrastructure.) The important thing about an acceptance test is it should not assert anything about the implementation of the application.
Ideally, acceptance tests should be automated, but sometimes the cost of doing this is too high to justify the value.
I like any application I work on to have both of these types of test. Acceptance tests are about showing the application does what it should do, to the extent of what I (as a developer) have been told it should do. Unit tests are about helping develop new parts of the system.
Somewhere between these two I define functional and integration tests.
To me, a functional test is used to assert the behaviour of an individual component within the application. Typically this would be a pretty small component, consisting of smaller components that have each been unit tested. The point of functional tests is to group together some overall behaviour for a (developer defined) part of the system.
An integration test is like a functional test, but tests a complete sub-system of the application in its target environment as opposed to functional tests which would typically be tested in a test-specific environment (e.g. out of container.) If the application consists of several services (for example), an integration test in my speak would test each of these services in their deployed environment with a set of example scenarios.
To me, functional and integration tests as defined here are not strictly necessary for the successful development of an application, but can help development by showing problems in a more easily diagnosable form. That said, if you have a failing functional or integration test and no failing acceptance test you are either missing an acceptance test or are implementing functionality that is not required.
And I have no idea what a system test is. Maybe someone can tell me. 🙂