First 36 hours in New York

I flew into New York (for the first time ever) on Thursday evening to catch up with an old friend from home who was also visiting the Big Apple. Maybe its because I’ve been in Boston for 2 months (and don’t like it hugely as a town compared with London), but I really love New York already. It seems to have lots of the great things about London and then compresses it together so you don’t have to take a 40 minute cab ride across town to get between ports of call.

So items checked off the list so-far:

– Grand Central Station

– Times Square (like Piccadilly Circus / Leicester Square on steroids)

– Jackson Hole (a damn good burger joint)

– United Nations (the cafe was shut, but I wanted to go to show my support for the organisation even if my country’s government wants to treat it with disdain)

– Empire State Building (the queues were longish but the views made it worth it)

– Staton Island ferry (which is free, and is an easy way to get a good view of the Statue of Liberty)

– Wall St (which was a lot smaller and more like London than I imagined it would be)

– Ground Zero (no comment necessary)

– various bars till 4 am

Photos to come later…

Global Underground

Global Underground have a great series of dance CD’s … which I really should start buying. I’m currently listening to #20 – Darren Emerson (ex-Underworld and all round god of a DJ.)

Going home, Chicago again and Independence Day

So having not updated my old weblog in ages, here’s what I’ve been up to recently.

Going back to London for my birthday was great – after a few weeks in a foreign land its good to see friends again. I now definitely consider London my home, which is surprising since I really didn’t enjoy it that much when I moved there.

Two weeks after getting back from London I was off to Chicago for the weekend again for a ThoughtWorks internal conference. I had a fantastic time meeting up with loads of people from work (some of whom I had met before) and enjoying the Chicago nightlife again. I’ve been to Chicago 3 times now and everytime I go I have a fab time – it reminds me a lot of London both in size/buzz and the attitude of the people that live there.

Since then I’ve just been staying around Boston. The Independence Day fireworks in Boston were very impressive and, since the weather has improved drastically in the last month, there was a huge turnout.

My plans for the next couple of months include a visit to New York next weekend, going to New Orleans with work the week after and then I’m taking 2 weeks holiday in August to hopefully travel around the ‘States a bit.