I've been blogtagged

Damn you Chris Donnan! OK, here’s my 5 things you probably don’t know about me…

1) As an 8 year old I was a member of the official ‘Masters of the Universe’ fan club.

2) Around the same time I was fascinated with road layouts and maps and was convinced I’d end up in civil engineering or cartography.

3) Finally around this time I wrote my first program. It was coded in Logo, and I think was on a Research Machines 480z. I remember being very excited about the fact it had a robotic turtle attached that would follow the commands of the program. It would be 3 years until I coded again, and I really caught the programming habit when I started secondary school at the age of 12.

4) I guess I wrote my first ‘enterprise’ application at the age of 15. It was a database-type application written in QuickBasic using flat files for storage. I remember it was big enough (~ 20000 lines) that it wouldn’t compile into a single .exe program, so even back then I was fiddling with compilers and source trees figuring out ways to build efficient dependent module schemes.

5) I was never in a band, nor have I got any famous relations. Myself and Mike Mason won a karaoke competition in our first few weeks at University though (the actual winner had left by the time the prizes were handed out…), I guess that’s the closest I’ve come to artistic superstardom.

And on that note, I tag Mike Mason, Joe Walnes, Jay Fields, Ivan Moore and Patrick Kua.

Trying comments

People keep bugging me to enable comments on my blog, so I’ve decided to give it a whirl. My biggest problem with comments has been the spam issues, but I’m going to try the Akismet plugin for wordpress and see how that goes.

If I get frustrated with moderation then I’ll disable comments, but for now let the discussion begin!

Switching to Flickr

It wasn’t long ago I was waxing lyrical about Picasa and Picasaweb. Not to be accused of sticking to my guns though, I’ve switched to Flickr, and there’s a few reasons why.

Firstly, I’ve decided to give iPhoto another go. Although I have Picasa running on Windows XP under Parallels on my iMac, it’s nice to just use an OS X application. Also, a lot of my worries with using iPhoto have gone away now I’ve tried it on a ‘real’ machine (I need to post a rantette about my Mac Mini another time…) Picasaweb does have an iPhoto exporter, but it’s not the same tight integration it has with the main Picasa application.

Flickr’s integration with iPhoto isn’t any better than Picasa’s (in fact, you have to pay for the 3rd party FlicktExport utility if you choose to use it (which I did)), but since I was changing one part of my photo solution, it was worth looking at all of it at the same time.

The big plusses for me about Flickr are really 2 things – the community and the new capacity / bandwidth limits for ‘pro’ users.

The community aspects are great because I can see what my friends & family are up to, provide feedback, and they can do the same. This is good for me as I experiment with my still new digital SLR. Flickr provides some great web feeds that I use to keep track of what’s going on.

The new capacity / bandwidth limits are also compelling – unlimited on both counts. This allows me to upload the full size images for all the photos I really care about keeping, and at the same time share those full size images with anyone that cares.

Flickr’s still not perfect though. The slideshow behaviour is pitifully poor, and was almost a show-stopper for me. They really need to sort that out. Also, the UI I think could do with a few tweaks to make it as usable as the Picasaweb interface.

Now I just have the task of going through all my photos, finding the ones I care about, cleaning them up, collating them into sets, and uploading them – that’s a fair size project to keep me occupied in the new year.

The universe conspires for us

As anyone who knows me understands, I’ve faced some challenges over the last couple of years. One or two I’ve mentioned on this blog, most I haven’t.

Throughout though, I’ve maintained faith in one thing. Recently my former colleague. JR, put it better than I ever have – the universe conspires for us, and not against us.

The last few days have seen a sequence of events happen, and things have fallen into place ‘just so’, to support such a faith. Is this faith in a god, or humanity, or luck? None of them really, but what exactly this faith is targetted towards is actually of little consequence. How I choose to live is what is important, and living as though the universe conspires for me has this strange knack of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. At the moment, with the little understanding I have of this world in which we live, that is enough for me.

And when I have weekends like I have just had, I say ‘thanks’ to the universe, and continue walking my path.

JCB vs Astramax? You decide

Apparently the world has a new fastest diesel vehicle – the JCB DIESELMAX. I’m not convinced. Everyone knows the fastest diesel, on the motorway at least, is the Astramax van. I should know, I drove one for a couple of years. Mine wasn’t white, but I was still a fully paid-up resident of the outside lane. Oh, those heady days….

Cliffs, Colorado, and cameras

Short post this one – in the last couple of weeks I went to Fort Tyron Park in New York and Crested Butte in Colorado, and of course took photos. One new thing though, these photos were taken with my new Nikon D50 Digital SLR camera. Now I just have to figure out how to take good looking photos without just cheating and using the automatic modes.

Minuit – The Guards Themselves

One of the things I enjoyed about my time living in New Zealand was the music scene there. Since NZ is so isolated (geographically at least) from the rest of the world, they have a somewhat alternative way of doing things when it comes to bands. People there have this quaint thought (!) that its actually quite nice to go and see your favourite bands play live, and not have to be a million rows back in the crowd, or have to ring Ticketmaster like crazy at 9am on the day the tickets come out, or have to go cap in hand to a less than celubrious chap shouting ‘Buying! Selling!’ outside the venue on the night of the gig. Add this to the fact that not that many international bands come a-visiting, and its not surprising that you find NZ makes its own music scene.

Most kiwis (native New Zealanders) that have some interest in popular music will be fully aware of the latest goings on of 10 or 20 different home-grown bands that the rest of the world has probably never heard of. These bands put out great records, put on 500 person shows, love their fans and their fans love them. How civilised. 🙂 Occasionally these bands will even ‘break’ overseas – The Datsuns, OMC (ok, for one hit), and of course Split Enz / Crowded House are notable examples.

One such band that I brought back home in my heart were Minuit. Minuit are ‘breakbeat’ (i.e. mostly electronic-based and interesting drum rythms) with a great female vocalist (not dissimilar to Moloko’s Roisin Murphy.) I managed to pick up their debut The 88 in my time down under. Its not quite as polished as mega-budget northern hemisphere productions, sure, but I have this unnerving knack of playing it at regular intervals and whenever I do it gets me dancing around my apartment while putting a smile on my face.

I was pretty excited when Minuit released their second album, The Guards Themselves earlier this year. The one slight problem is they don’t have an international distributor, so what with moving country and Amazon taking 2 months to deliver from NZ (!!) I only just received my copy today. But it was worth the wait – mostly more of the same retro synth, nod-your-head breaks and get-under-skin vocals from Ruth but with a little more confidence.

Like any self-respecting interweb-aware band of our times, Minuit have a Myspace Page where you can listen to tunes, watch videos, and make yourself a ‘friend’ of the band (I’m a bit of a luddite and only discovered what Myspace was a couple of month’s ago when Wired had an article on it.) Myspace is taking the music industry by storm, completely changing how people find out more about the bands they like, and find new bands like them. Its with this breaking-down of geographical boundaries that New Zealand bands might be more easily able to break overseas, and if Minuit ever manage to make it to New York, I’ll be first on the TicketMaster phone line..

July 7th – 1 year on

Today is the first anniversary of the London Bombings. As I blogged a year ago I was on one of the trains that was bombed, and being involved with this event has unsurprisingly had quite an effect on me and my family.

For the first few months, I tried to put the horrible things I had seen, and the fact that I had been so close to being killed or seriously injured, out of my mind as much as possible. I didn’t have nightmares or panic attacks, and I carried on pretty much as normal. I did start using the Underground again, but living in central London allowed me to use busses, or walk, much more than I had done previously. Throughout the rest of my time living in London I did go somewhat out of my way to avoid the Tube.

In November I was visiting New York and found myself on a Subway train that was stuck in a station, and the doors didn’t open. I started to feel uncomfortable, and then after a couple of minutes the doors opened and I could get off of the train. Almost immediately I started to shake violently, and felt I was going to be sick – I was having a panic attack. The feeling lasted about 5 minutes and then gradually faded, but it made me realise that I had been effected by my experiences that summer’s day in July.

I didn’t really know what to do about it though, but I did look up the London Recovers website setup by Peter Zimonjic (thanks Peter!). One of the things that came out of that was groups of survivors from each of the trains had started arranging informal self-help meetings. I went along to one of the Aldgate meetings in January and found it very useful. One feeling I had had was that I was alone – my family and friends were extremely supportive, but I didn’t feel able to share completely my experiences with people I cared about. Furthermore I had so many unanswered questions about that day. Meeting up with some of the other people on the train allowed me to talk about stuff I didn’t want to share with anyone else, and also allowed me to get a better picture in my mind of what had happened.

One particularly interesting thing I learned that day was that the ‘4 month delay’ feeling I had had was very typical. I talked to one gentleman who had actually been physically injured by the blast. For the first 4 months he had felt euphoric with the relief of being alive, but then suddenly one day his emotions had crashed. When I spoke to him in January he was getting better, but still was massively emotionally effected by his experiences.

After January, life didn’t really lend itself to doing anything more than that one meeting with the travelling I was doing. I continued to feel uncomfortable travelling on the tube, I was noticeably ‘hyper-sensitive’ to loud noises, and got very upset when I heard helicopters (due to all the choppers circling around in London after the bombs went off.) These are all classic symptoms of post-traumatic stress (PTSD), as I have since learned.

In April though I moved to New York, and one of the things a very good friend of mine made me do when getting here was to go to see a therapist – New York having suffered its own tragic events of 9/11 has a significant number of people who can help with PTSD. I’m really glad to have done this, its helped me look analytically at my feelings and thoughts. I’m now pretty much fine with the New York subway (which I use every day) and I noticed the other day that helicopters no longer seem the carriers of evil I was associating them with previously.

Today itself though has obviously been hard. I managed to take the Subway this morning (despite originally planning on walking) and it was harder than normal. A smell of burning in the office later in the morning made me pretty anxious, but it soon passed. I know today has been hard for my family too – they know how close they were to losing me last year.

Looking forward, I know that I will never forget my experience and it will have an effect on me for the rest of my life, but I know that I’m dealing with it a lot better than I did last year.

My only frustration is that we still don’t really know what happened. I know these things take time, but part of me feels there should be more publically available information to explain how and why the 4 bombers did what they did.

But to finish on a positive note, I’m incredibally pleased that in a lot of ways London didn’t change because of last year. It continues to be a thriving multi-cultural centre of the world. I hope in the years to come that Londoners remember July 7th, but as much as they can that they can live their lives as though it never happened.

A peace-sign

I’m British, working in America, for a German company, and part of my team is in Russia. I reckon if I told someone 20 years ago that this might happen in 20 year’s time, I’d probably have been thrown in a loony bin.

Or as one of my Russian co-workers put it, I’m a victim of globalisation. 🙂